iWrite Math Foundations and PreCalculus Grade 10 (BC Edition)
iWrite Math Foundations and PreCalculus Grade 10 (BC Edition)
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The Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus Grade 10 Workbook is a complete resource and a 100% fit for the combined Western and Northern Canadian mathematics curriculum. In addition, there is some enrichment material which can be completed individually or in groups. There are ten curricular units. Each curricular unit is subdivided into individual lessons. The last lesson in each unit is a practice test containing 15 multiple choice questions, 5 numeric response questions, and 1 extended response question. Most lessons can be covered in one hour (plus homework time), but some may require more time to complete. Most lessons are composed of four parts:
Investigations, Explorations, or Review which include inquiry based learning that can be teacher led, student led, or a combination of both.
Class Examples which are applications of the investigations, explorations or review.
Assignments which include short response, extended response, multiple choice, and numeric response questions provided for student practice.
Answer Key which contains the answers to the assignment questions.
학년/나이 | Grade 10 |
답안지 | 포함 |
시리즈 | iWrite Math BC Edition (AVP) |
쪽수 | 565 쪽 |
형태 | 페이퍼백 |
언어 | 영어 |
ISBN | 9781926979090 |